TRASPASO is a choreographic proposal directed by Andrea Catania for the UNA Chamber Dance Company of Costa Rica in 2021.

This work refers to a temporary capitulation of the body in the face of the incessant daily flurry of impulses and catastrophes, both external and internal. Giving up power is not necessarily “losing” or “losing control”; it is a way of saying “I am tired of continuing like this.” It is letting the other take control, for a while, to understand what it feels like to be on the side of those who are manipulated, of those who have “no voice, no vote.” TRANSFER is an exploratory journey about will in all its facets: emotional, physical, internal, external, desired or imposed.

Release date:
Andrea Catania
Mónica Masis Cisneros, Álvaro Murillo Fonseca, Juan de Dios Quirós Rodríguez, Carlos Mario Ramírez Cabezas, Jennifer Ramos Cruz, Michelle Sánchez Sáncho.
Coil, Mascarada San Antonio de Desamparados y Soundtrack del corto Este es mi Reino de Carlos Reygadas.
Andrea Catania y Kimberly Ulate
Graphic design:
María Soledad Morales
Álvaro Piedra
Esteban Chinchilla
M.A. Florencia Chaves y M.A. Mario A. Blanco Lobo Compañía de Cámara Danza UNA Dirección artística y coordinación: M.A. Kimberly Ulate Molina Escuela de Danza, CIDEA, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica 2021